WonderGIRL cutes and quotes

Oh this sweet little bundle of joy, giggles, and black and white thinking. We share absolutely no genes but are INCREDIBLY similar in our stubbornness and need to be in control. Plus, we both love scarves so that makes up for all of the negative parts (right Scott?)

I love a good mama-daughter matching opportunity.

“Mama you got Mary Ellen a present for Christmas? She will feel so loved!!!!”

WonderGIRL is truly amazing with younger children. I call her the “child whisperer” because not only are children in love with playing with her and following her around, they continue to remember her and talk about her far beyond their interaction (no matter how short). I love that she exudes joy and nurturing to these little ones and I hope she gets to use this strength in the future leading to a career with children.

I can’t remember any cute quotes from the Father-Daughter dance they attended this summer, but this picture and the amazing love that she must have felt in her heart to have a special date night with Scott makes me over-the-moon happy for her. This picture is also just too dang adorable to stay on my phone.

An excerpt from a recent letter WG wrote to Scott and I after a particularly hard weekend together:
“I know now that I have you for a reason and I do want to get adopted. I know I do things that could get me taken away but I never want to leave I love it here. I get fed and protected and loved. You’re my heroes you know. You’re my sunshine who rises me up every morning. You’re my love who glues me and the support I need. You have every right to send me away but you don’t – that shows that you love me. This consequence taught me a lesson of how to be who I really can be not who I feel is the easy me. You have the best for me at heart. I need to trust you.”
(this beautiful writing came from girl who has a significant deficit in writing with a serious IEP – I can’t believe she pulled out this amazing detail and imagery AND that she saw the connection between our parenting and trust. It also breaks my heart that her “go-to” answer is being taken away….a true picture of what foster children have at the forefront of their broken hearts and brains even in the safest of homes and foster families)