Looking for a gift for a kiddo?

Look no further…..this gift was by far my favorite that WonderGIRL received this Christmas (thanks Mom!). No one that I’ve gushed over it to has heard of it so I want to spread the news and get these Unicef powerbands on as many little wrists as I can!\unicef wg

It is a a cool, humanitarian twist on the FitBit and just what WG needed for motivation to get some active minutes outside of school (something we’ve been working on since Summer with little to no success). She gets “steps”, then those add up to “powerpoints”, then after a certain number of power points, that unlocks “therapeutic food packets (peanut butter)” to children who severely need a nutrition boost in 3rd world countries.

She has absolutely loved wearing it and counting her points throughout the day. I even joined in the fun to go on a 35 minute walk/run yesterday to see how many points we could get in just one day. Each time you earn a “badge”, the child gets to see a video of the children he/she is helping which keeps her motivation going with the app you keep on your phone to sync her steps (very similar to the Fit Bit app).

After completing this mission (you can see from the picture she is almost there at 88%!), you then pay a few dollars to choose specific missions in specific countries. We are excited to choose Haiti for her next mission since that country has such a special place in our heart as a family. This gift really is such a win-win for her and for us – motivation to get moving and stay healthy PLUS needy kiddos getting love and nutrition along the way.

According to the website, they are going to start distributing these in schools to help high-risk school students get active and increase the chances of so many other life benefits that could come along with that. How cool is that? I hope you share maybe an ounce of my excitement or else this entire blog post could be a fail. But maybe you have a 5-60 year old with possibly a birthday coming up and then voila – you will thank me!!!

Right now, there are available only through Target’s website and not as an in-store purchase but click on this link to take you right where you need to be!