On my favorite home hacks

There are a few items in my home that seem so small and trivial but make me pretty darn happy (or in some cases, pretty darn healthy). These are the items I recommend over and over to other people. I thought I would link them up here in case you were interested – ENJOY!! You can click on the photos to shop or save to a wishlist as well!

Sleep with a snorer?
1. Diffuser right by their bed (to be more specific, pointing right at their face) with some Breathe oil – helps their snoring and in our case, gave him a more peaceful sleep
2. Headband bluetooth headphones – some white noise, mediation, etc. to help you fall and stay asleep. These things are so comfy!!

In the kitchen (from someone that rarely cooks anything – so take with a grain of salt here obvi):

1. Best chopper with different size blades for easy salad prep –

2. Milk frother – fun to whip up for coffee and hot chocolate for the kiddos!

Digestive/IBS issues (ew David) –
Okay this is weird but I attribute a complete overhaul of my digestion to 2 things – my beloved Terrazyme supplements and this crazy contraption I first saw on Shark Tank. Honestly I miss it for my morning business when we’re away or camping….haha. Don’t judge.

Extreme jaw pain – from all the stress and all the teeth clenching when a night guard didn’t work for me, I saw this pillow suggested, went for it and it worked wonders!!! I have no idea how it works but it did for me!

Some of this fun stuff is on sale in anticipation of Prime Days so score a deal or two…..happy life hack shopping! Also, here’s a link to the rest of my Amazon recommendation lists if you want to take a peek:
1. School Counseling office
2. Clothing/Beauty recommendations
3. Trauma informed reads

Not a home hack, I just really like our door mat.

3/40 On a professional learning moment

When I was in grad school, my parents, who had been married for 25+ years were going through what I would consider to be a messy divorce. And learning about how to support children with family changes as a school counselor and then living it as an adult child out of the home was particularly difficult for me.

I had a hard time managing my own boundaries with supporting my family and their needs…..plus finding the energy to put forth effort into my graduate studies and assignments.

When having a 1-on-1 discussion with one of my professors at the time, who I respect very much, she told me that in the future as a professional, “there will always be crises and pressures outside of work that are going to affect your emotions. You have to find a way to cope and manage those so you can show up to work and do what’s best for students.”

I was only 24 at the time….and I remember being super bitter at this professor for saying this. I felt like she was dismissing my pain. Not realizing the impact of my family falling apart…..and telling me that I needed to “buck up and be tougher.”

But NOW, 15 years under my best as a school counselor…..8 years as a mom to kiddos with significant trauma needs….and just life in general – WOW I realize her words are so incredibly true. Life, as an adult with a family, is just a constant rotation of joyous moments and heartbreaks. Life, as an elementary school counselor has the same roller coaster feel most days. You don’t turn off the “mom” hat when going to work. And it’s hard to turn off the “educator” heart when driving home for the day.

I feel that one of my strengths I’ve developed over the years is my own emotional BOUNDARIES – I can be incredibly upset about something happening at home AND show up with joy and compassion at school for my students. I had a student intern ask me how I developed this…..and it just came with time. And a large toolbox of coping strategies (mindfulness, daily movement, support network, alone time, cognitive self-talk and reminders of my worth) that I rely on daily.

With that being said, compassion fatigue and burn-out are HARSH realities for educators….and I have felt those at times throughout my career. But I also think there are skills and habits we can learn that help us move through those times and keep on keeping on…..with a little help from our friends and role models of course.

This image really struck out to me as being helpful when navigating this constant push towards “work-life balance”:

Working on my wellbeing is always something I can improve on…..lowering my standards of what this looks like and maintaining daily habits is incredibly important to me. Side hustle commercial break: Our wellness community is doing a fun little online event focusing on these habits – if you’re interested in this class (and some oily freebies from me!) – click here to register.

Although I had a negative reaction at the time, her words are still very important to me as I reflect on showing up for both my school and home family in the healthiest way I can……and just like Mr. Larson in my first story, I appreciate a mentor’s willingness to say something hard and be faced with potential conflict, knowing it might push the receiver to a healthier and greater place as a result.

On the Enneagram – again

Two years ago I wrote about my new love and discovery of the Enneagram personality typing system. And let me tell you, my excitement and the novelty of that discovery has NOT worn off over time. Anytime I am discussing relational health (or dysfunction) with others, I ask if they know their enneagram types and whether or not that information might be helpful in understanding the other person. There is something about knowing my spouse’s and childrens’ types that almost depersonalizes their hurtful behavior (whether intentional or not) and helps bring us to a place of resolution much faster.

Don’t know what I’m talking about? Start here with my first post about the topic.

As a devoted and (sometimes embarrassingly passionate) enneagram 3 – I want to be best at understanding how this assessment works, my type and how to use it to achieve success and the best possible outcome. Next step is of course – read all the things!!! Here are a few of the books I have read in diving deep into this topic.

I would highly recommend the Becoming Us book although it does have a heavy biblical base to it.

There are lots of other places to find information too. I follow some amazing instagram sites where creators add memes, videos or other graphs visuals about types that can help you understand yourself and those around you better. DM me on instagram and I can point you in the right direction or just search enneagram hashtags for some great content!

I have presented multiple workshops on this topic throughout my school district (my fave was to our whole entire crew of bus drivers – it was awesome) to raise their self-awareness, the most courageous act of self-care there is in education I believe. Even just knowing our little set of school counselors’ enneagram types can help me relate to them more and provide meetings/professional development that will be truly effective for them.

This coming week on Wednesday, I am SUPER stoked to present a workshop combining the Enneagram and my other love, ESSENTIAL OILS at my house. We are going to be talking through our types and which oils might be beneficial to us (especially in times of misalignment or stress). If you’d like an invite, just message me and I’ll get you the details. I have been working this idea in my head for a while so we’re excited to offer it this summer – and in person too!!!

Let me know if you’d like to come to our workshop – Wednesday, 7/14 at 6pm!

Want to start figuring out your type? There are a lot of different quizzes you can take….or some people read about each type and try to figure out which resonates the most for them. Here is the quiz that I most often give to people to take which also gives short descriptions of each type:
Fast Enneagram Test

Let me know if you’re as into this as I am! I love to geek out on types and figure out how everyone in my circle of love works – inside and out!

5 months post-op

5 months ago, we were anxiously waiting for 2 rods and 22 screws to be installed into WonderGIRL’s back by an amazing surgical staff at Seattle Children’s…..now here we are, pain-free and working on what a healthy attachment between Mama and daughter actually means and feels like after 7 years together.

A look back at her Spinal Fusion Surgery journey:
The lead up
The day of and time at Seattle Children’s
The aftermath

Snowy photo shoot from last week to highlight the rad-ness of her scar….

On Team HB’s new house assistant

Early last year, I saw the idea of a house assistant from an oily leader I follow and was immediately intrigued. While I don’t necessarily make enough to justify hiring someone to do this full time, I know that my mental health would significantly improve if I could “outsource” small little projects and goals I have each week that tend to always be on my list and never get checked off.

WonderGIRL hasn’t been cleared to work quite yet since her spinal fusion surgery in September but has quite the itch to start earning and saving money. And since she has turned 18, we are starting the process of transitioning to experience what it’s like to pay bills, rent, etc. practice which you can’t practice if you don’t earn money!! Which led to my idea to have WG start some hours each week as our house assistant…..

The interview process – I “posted” the job for her to read and then she called and asked for an interview. We are trying to really simulate an actual working environment versus just glorified chores whenever she can fit in….hence the silly interviews.

She has worked for two weeks now (two shifts per week) and I think this might be my best parenting idea YET! I have found that I am more motivated to clean/get projects done when I make a list for her shifts and then the mental health and clarity I feel when said projects are completed has been huge for me!!!

Don’t tell her this but basically her list each week consists of things I know I should do around the house but basically don’t want to or have been putting off – then when it’s done, I think “Oh ya!!! that’s why I put that on my list way back when!!”

My goal this month was to PRIORITIZE….my time, my spaces, and people – and sometimes this prioritizing means you have to hack other parts of your world that are taking away from those priorities.

So….just an idea of any of you with a teen in your house that is not finding work OR other mamas (especially with network marketing businesses – what she does for my oils gig (organizing and creating samples, mail, filing paperwork, cleaning supply room, etc.) has been life changing. And if you don’t think someone in your own family might fit the bill for what you need, maybe think about hiring out – so many wonderful humans out there right now that might need work.

And then the payoff – what she bought with her own money recently!!!

On the surgery and recovery

After almost 8 hours in surgery, our surgeon came out to let me know that everything went smoothly with the procedure….and what an amazing procedure it is – 2 rods and 22 screws later!

I’m still in awe!

I will say, WonderGIRL coming down from the anesthesia was filled with scary delusions and statements. I am glad I was assertive in asking I be there for this process (they usually don’t let parents in until the patient is all the way lucid) as her past abuse and trauma coming out would have been handled differently by nurses if I had not been there to assure her safety.

That day was also filled with some pretty cute and funny statements.

The following days in the hospital were HARD – she was emotional, in pain, and scared. With only me being there, I didn’t have anyone to “tag in” to the room to support her which was taxing at best. We are so grateful to the nurses in the hospital – they were amazing with WG and participated in her milkshake competitions with joy. `

As soon as WG was out of surgery, she was even asking for Nurse Amy (from the clinic) when barely lucid. Here is a pic with Nurse Amy 2 days after surgery:

Recovery from this surgery is intense – sitting up on day 1 and walking on day 2!! This video of her walking and the amazing nurse guiding her gives me all the proud mama feels….here is a peek at what her scar looks like on Day 3:

On day 4, WG had met all of her post-surgical goals and we got the okay to go home (after leaving with what felt like half the pharmacy at Children’s). As you can imagine, the 1.5 hour ride home with a spinal fusion surgical patient in the passenger seat was a nervous one for me, the driver. About halfway home, our moon roof window IMPLODED and sounded like a bomb went off on top of our car….anxiety times 100 for the rest of the drive home (also….so many pot holes in our neighborhood – sorry sis!).

We arrived home in tears but was quickly encouraged with an outpouring of love from our loved ones….

Next up – recovery at home and how it has impacted our relationships.

On my new relationship

…with my body!!

Let’s just say historically, this particular relationship has been through a lot….abuse, neglect, anger, resentment and shame between me and the very thing keeping me alive every single day.

Evidence of growth – the taking of a photo of me in a swimsuit and then bonus growth points….posting it on here!

I struggled big time with disordered eating and dysmorphia after my “athlete” label was removed after freshmen year in college. And since then my body has been a tricky subject to address and deal with.

But in the past 6 months or so I have decided to heal that relationship….with regular movement, mindfulness and intuitive eating I really feel as though I’m in a new chapter of this story. A story I know many women struggle with….with comparison and shame and ridicule, I have said things to my body that I would NEVER ever say to anybody on this planet.

While all else was crumbling in my world, I stuck to the healing of this relationship. While everything else closed, I stuck to the commitments inside my home and inside my self. And I am positive that it was my commitment to my physical health that carried me through the worst valley I have found myself in emotionally as an adult these past couple of months.

This self care wasnt in addition to….it was the FOUNDATION of how I was showing up and taking on challenges thrown at me from every angle. My focus wasn’t on self care or even on how I LOOKED….it was JUST self preservation. And that switch in focus really changed some things for me and how I view this vehicle for my heart, my mind and my potential. And for that I am thankful.

I’m sharing this with you right now just in case you need to heal this very same relationship….or heck, even start a brand new relationship with YOUR body. I’m happy to help if you need a little nudge or a little accountability!!

I found this little email campaign that incorporates many of my new habits and would love to share it with you (7 days, 7 emails).

Click here to register and let’s go on this journey together!!

Looking for a business partner!!!

Hey mamas, ladies, anyone wanting to create a little financial boost for their family!!

I am looking to pour some time and resources into 1 person for the next month focusing on growing a stream of residual income….this looks like brainstorming a list of people in your life that love natural products, committing to hosting a few workshops online and/or spending time with me each week as I draft out each step of the way and help you reach your goals!

I don’t usually open this part up because I am super busy during the school year and I hate committing to helping someone when I don’t always have the time. But I do now and would love to help you with some business goals if you are interested. No previous experience necessary – just a love for people and essential oils (and even that I can help with)!

This stream of residual income for me has meant some special family vacations, investing in my Peloton bike and much more freedom in how I spend money for myself and my kiddos – I’d love to help you too!!! Please reach out to me if interested and we can talk about what it takes to get started….can’t wait to talk more about this opportunity!

On my summer hacks for health

Throughout the many trials of the last couple of months, I know that one of the only reasons I stayed strong through it all was a constant connection with my own body and commitment to my own wellness. Whether it was exercise, using oils daily, or my new commitment to Intermittent fasting, my body was well enough to support the emotional toll going on internally.

Here are a few items you might be interested in if you’re renewing a commitment to your own health and wellness this summer!!

5 more days to snag this kit and join our team with continuous education and personal coaching from yours truly. Need more info? We have a workshop Saturday and Tuesday if you want to listen in on zoom!
Summer products have a ton of toxins hiding in them – start switching some of your must-haves with thees non-toxic alternatives and feel better about caring for your littles day in and day out of summer fun!
I was skeptical of the impact of IF at first but now, I definitely feel more energy and more stabilization using the 16/8 method. The hunger pangs go away after about a week and I’m feeling really good about this new habit.

Want more natural product and essential oil information? Follow me on Instagram!

Want some samples first so you can experiment before you commit? Totally get it. Click here and I’ll get those sent to you ASAP!

Ready to dive in? Click here to snag the kit listed above and your FREE bottle of Immortelle!!

Yay to May!

There are so many things I love about May. The spring sunshine and new growth. My break between club volleyball and high school seasons. People excited to be coming out of houses and socializing a bit more. Celebrating successes of students and planning for goals and growth for the coming school year.

May is also Mental Health Awareness month…one of the things I love most about my job both as a school counselor and sharing essential oils is reducing stigma around mental health. I believe we all are at different points on the spectrum from illness to wellness and that “point” can change from life season to season or even day to day. I love connecting with teachers, parents and students around their mental health and just by talking about their anxieties, symptoms, etc. we are bringing the darkness into light and finding solutions to these common struggles.

If you’re interested in learning more about mental health, click here for a 31 days of education workshop (watch videos at your own pace)! The first topic is PTSD which is the MAIN struggle in our house on a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute basis….loved the tips shared here. 7-8 out of 100 people struggle with PTSD (spoiler alert: it is NOT just for military personnel, but affects most foster children and first responders in a heavy way).

Next week, the girls and I get to travel to Atlanta, Georgia for this amazing conference. As most of you know, I am passionate about helping WonderGIRL turn her story into a story for good and for justice and action. She (and BraveGIRL) applied to be youth representatives for a local organization and were gifted this trip and this experience. I am so excited to support them throughout this conference and be in community with other activists and sexual violence survivors.