28/40 – On Grandma’s book collection

With 6 aunts and uncles and a ton of cousins around, our family gatherings at Grampa and Gramma’s house were filled with lots of noise, laughter, cousin wrestling and other shenanigans that I have fond memories of. They had a large house that I viewed as a mansion at a time and the bottom floor was where cousins got to hang out quite a bit to watch tv and play.

In the corner of this bottom floor was my Grandma’s book collection, which included this set of “The Bobbsey Twins” chapter books. When just me and my brother were visiting (and he wouldn’t let me change the tv from anything but wrestling), I was enamored with these books and was a voracious reader. But more than the content, I loved the feel of the old bindings and the fragile pages beneath my fingers.

Once my grandparents moved out of that house, I was fortunate enough to inherit this book collection. They now are displayed prominently in my own home with other treasured stories like my scrapbooks, our wedding memory box and other meaningful artifacts.

And even though my children didn’t catch this love of reading to enjoy these books, the display in my home brings me comfort and joy. It also serves as an inspiration for what I hope to emulate in family gatherings like my grandparents did as my children get older and eventually start bringing new generations of kiddos into my home to feel the same love and joy I got growing up.

January faves

I know I love reading and clicking on others’ favorite finds on the internet so I thought I would wrangle my favorites each month to share with you!

I have quite a few food recommendations so here we go….

We love this local delivery service and order often. Guud Bowls’ flavors are always so amazing (they rotate menus which I LOVE) and I like to order a few different flavors and have a few on hand, especially on weekends that Scott works. Some of my fave bowls so far are the Woodstock salad and Straw-vacado salad. The kiddos love the teriyaki kids meals (comes with delicious cookie dough and a juice pouch).

I ordered these from QVC and wow – they are pretty amazing!!! Will be ordering again.

This month, my goal was to prioritize my time and my spaces. One habit that I’ve seen plenty of others post about, but I never tried because Scott loves his little daily trips to the grocery store (I think it might be a firefighter thing). Each Saturday, I do a Whole Foods order and have it delivered on Sunday for lunch prep for the week. It helps me because I only order what I need and often can browse for healthier options when seeing it on the screen!

I love that they take a pic of your bags at delivery just to ensure they made it. Thanks Whole Foods!

I have always been an office supply junkie – so it’s no surprise that my office is growing into my favorite room in my home. I love starting my day in here with soft lighting, my diffuser going (with Adaptiv and Bergamot as of late), and planning out my day…..

Other faves from the month:
New podcast – Dear Jenna

Covid cleaning – with me already back at school and the kiddos heading back soon, being able to clean our devices and our masks are even more important. I purchased this Phone Soap device and really love how easy and fast it is for phones, keys, masks, etc.

On a sustainable holiday…

I love the act of buying (mostly online) gifts for people but really DONT love the crazy amount of packaging and waste that comes from that process. And then the whole wrapping piece – even more waste!!! Also, I love wrapping so this has always been a tension to manage for me during the holiday.

A few years ago I decided to do something about this – saving up my huge calendar pages and using them as wrapping was just what I needed to start feeling better about this process and making it slightly more sustainable than it was before.

Way back when I worked at a local scrapbook store, one of my regular series classes was on using recycle bits to create beautiful mini-books full of thoughts and memories. This was my favorite class to teach and even though I don’t scrapbook anymore, creating mini books out of our Christmas cards each year still gets me excited to use scraps from our recycle bin in the process.

Pictured above is last years book full of cards and photos from our loved ones. We know have 6 books and wow I love watching families grow and change!!

What do you do to inspire and encourage sustainable habits during the holidays????

December already?!?!

Oh my goodness this Fall season always seems to get away from me. Between volleyball and back to school and general life craziness, my commitment to blogging always goes away. But I do miss the posting and the chance to write out my thoughts so here’s the usual re-up in December of pictures and random musings by yours truly.

Thanksgiving was a great weekend where I got to see all of my brothers and spend a little down time watching football and eating lots of good food. I am beyond grateful for this crew in their flexibility this year…..they all dropped much of their schedule to help us with WonderGIRL’s spinal fusion surgery down at Children’s Hospital in Seattle and when that got delayed, we flipped the plans up to Ferndale without a hitch.

Now onto December and the holidays!!! In all honesty, I started decorating two weeks ago in anticipation of the surgery delaying things and I’m so glad I did. The cozy factor is in full effect in our house and I (and the cats) love it!

The cutest tree corner I ever did see.
WB found our tree this year!
Kitties approve.

We are still anxiously awaiting a phone call from Children’s to reschedule WG’s big surgery…..please send along prayers and good thoughts as she battles the constant anxiety and dread of when it will happen. It’s been a long time coming so the wait for the date (ha! new tagline) is a wee bit painful. Thank you to all of you who have reached out to check on her…..stay tuned for more details soon!

On tidying up

Along with everyone else this new year, I got hooked on the new Netflix show, Tidying up with Marie Kondo. I had read the book a few years back but seeing it in action was perfect for me as a visual learner. Loved the inspiring tips she shared and how peaceful the homes she was transforming seemed to be after the big tidy.

My room and closet had exploded over the holiday season so last weekend was a perfect time to load all the clothes from all the closets into my bed and get to work. I purge my clothes often so I was surprised that I still had so much in my stash that I was unsure on….doesn’t spark joy?!?! Thank you and into the giveaway bag it went.

PS the verbal “thank you” to my clothes felt silly but was quite meaningful and therapeutic. I think clothes and material things can teach us lessons and serve a purpose and expressing gratitude for them or for yourself for purchasing was kind of cool in a way….Kondo states that this process helps counteract some shame that can come from having so many clothes or items that we don’t use and I think that’s a great way to keep the tidying process going with minimal negative emotions around it.

The reveal:Sooooo many Ferndale volleyball shirts….instead of consigning those my players will get to battle it out on the court for some free “retro” gear for their closets come this spring and summer. Scott’s mild OCD loved the new folding and drawer process. Now to see how long it lasts….

I saw many of you jumping in to the same thing last weekend!!! What did you tidy and how did it go????

On December….the good stuff

December can be a bit of a mine field for this family so today I choose to look at some bright spots…..what’s going well, what we’re looking forward to, etc.

Traditions are always a fun way to look back at past years, remember funny and good times and document year in and year out of doing the same thing. We went and found our tree on a beautiful sunny day and relaxed afterward with decorating and Christmas movies.Kittens plus Christmas – is there anything cuter????This year, Scott’s family did a big “Grinch-themed” Christmas party….I was so impressed with my MIL’s themed tree and so much other amazing decor around the house. What a festive start to December!!!BraveGIRL is finding her groove and comfort with our extended families and really becoming a big hit with some younger tribe members. This little man pretty much fell in love and per usual, BG is amazing with littles.This year, we have two trees in our home!!! This flocked tree was my favorite Black Friday purchase and I love the light and vibe it adds to our upstairs space. Since my early morning quiet times take place in the chair opposite this tree, I love it during the recent month of dark mornings….it will be hard to take it down after the holiday season, that’s for sure!!!

Each year, we typically do some sort of countdown that includes service projects and focusing on others. This year, I found this amazing cute storybook/set called The Giving Manger and have loved it so far…..every time a family member completes an act of serving another, they get to place a piece of straw in the manger. When it’s filled with joy and giving, it’s ready for the baby Jesus and Christmas….even though we shouldn’t need a “gimmick” to focus on serving others, it’s been a great conversation piece each night at family dinners and I love challenging the kiddos to go off each and day and look for ways to serve versus receive. Also, their instagram feed and stories are my favorite to look at each day if you want some amazing ideas for kiddos and serving.

Looking forward to:

– our first Christmas morning in this house!

– a slow Christmas break and days in our happy jams

– Christmas Eve service together!

– uncles and future aunts coming to stay with us

– snow and sledding day at Baker

– kiddos in new cute clothes (I am anticipating this way more than them obviously)

– Christmas Eve scavenger hunt for present

Intentional Summer 2018

It should not have taken me this long to both complete my poster and post this….but such is life (hence the #wesurvivedJune) seen below.

Here is our past intentional summer projects: 2017 and 2016 (spoiler alert – our summers are pretty low key around here)….I got a few extra posters printed for my readers (thank you sweet Elizabeth) so check out the bottom of this post for how to enter my small freebie giveaway.I have TWO blank posters to give away if anyone would like them (better late than never)…..post in the FB comments what you’re looking forward to in July and I’ll pick a winner Friday!

Welcome July….

The month we get to slow down….finally!!!! With WonderBOY at camp all week, me and my hubby literally got done all the projects we (okay just me telling him what to do) around the house today. I love what a quick change up does to a room with simply moving furniture or adding a shelf!(Treasury of Memories friends – what do these remind you of????)

My favorite piece was this rustic pallet I snagged off someone’s FB house sale….we needed a little something in our bathroom and this was perfect.(plug for this local shop Tether(ed) – I get so many compliments on these little pretties)

What’s on your list for home projects this Summer???

December already?!?!

I am in full December shock mode and also in full blog avoidance mode…..and a very loving friend of mine reminded me this weekend (Hi Lori!!!!) that people actually read my blog and I’ve left a few of them hanging on some life updates.

While I’m not sure I have the words for a life update, I will share a few nuggets of our silly little life as of late!Even though we own a house and have children and are fully adults, for some reason hosting Thanksgiving and being in charge of THE turkey felt like the next level of his whole adult gig. And it went fairly smoothly and people left extra bottles of wine behind so it was a raging success I’d say. 6th in state! These girls did awesome and my heart overflows with pride and love for them and their families. What a beautiful journey it was this year….Two things I am loving right now: my adorably feisty savage cat Rexie and the Clicklist option at Fred Meyer (aka the rare chance to sit in the parking lot eating my dollar tacos from Jack in the Box while sweet college students load up my trunk with groceries as my two kiddos interrogate them about their life and I get to focus on nothing but not spilling that red hot sauce in my new car). Also I should note the cat willingly got into this bag…..there was no grand suffocation hit out on the cat for this to happen – I swear. I got to sneak away for a fast and furious (“R-U-L-E”) trip to Vegas with a dear friend and I finally found my Ellen slot machine. It was fun. I lost all my money. It was still fun. This pic has gotten some attention on social media and I completely stole it (like word for word on the letter stole it) from someone so please steal it from me and let’s make these hard-working delivery people feel appreciated during their peak crazy season. Snack it forward guys!!!!

On settling in….

Starting from scratch decorating a room is a great way to carry out any vision (okay more like Joanna Gaines vision but whatever).  Redecorating or changing a room is where I get stuck because everything coordinating is a must for my eyes. Loved being able to insert furniture pieces and decore that I love staring at in our upstairs space (Mama’s sanctuary) little by little.*Most furniture came from Wilsons in Ferndale. Love that place. 

*Clock from Grandflora in Lynden. 

*Decor mostly from Hobby Lobby. Someone save me if this store comes to Bellingham and I have easier access.