On direct sales….

And why I kinda love them. Direct sales and Momboss memes are popping up everywhere and it certainly is “on trend” right now to be hosting classes/parties and selling direct to consumers.

However, I love this way of commerce because it gets to something that retail stores don’t…..and that is CONNECTION. Through classes and parties we are face to face, sharing struggles and hopes for our families and expanding our network in ways we didn’t have access to before. It combines the therapeutic properties of retail shopping with our basic human need to bond and connect with others = a match made in heaven.

And for some products (essential oils in particular), it takes a lot of time to educate customers on what it is they are using in their homes and all of the benefits and potential risks. I don’t want someone buying an oil from a shelf and then never have anyone teach them how to use it safely and effectively.

So to all you mama-preneurs out there…..keep selling all the things, inviting to those events, posting on social media. You are impacting your family with some extra income AND getting awesome products into the rest of our homes and families.

What could an extra $200-$500 per month do for YOUR family???? I’d love to share what I do to pay for my oils and my nail habit, make money toward family vacations like our cruise…..and how it might look for you too if you’re interested!

Pictured below: a realistic snapshot into my earnings…..Some peeps only share their income but we tend to spend a lot too. ? Also important to remember….I’m 3 years in, have a full time job, AND have an awesome team that has helped me reach this point each step along the way.Pictured above: a screenshot from an excited mama….all she did was host a class, invite some friends and voila! a check was on its way to her…..love that surprise and excitement just for leaving her comfort zone and hosting a class!

We’re doing an awesome low-pressure experiment for having classes this summer on our team to see what it can do for our monthly earnings….if you want to join, message me! If you want to host a class (we come teach….you just open your house and throw a few beverages on the table) you can earn some free goodies as well!!!

On the “trend” that is Essential Oils….

My Journey
I became super interested in essential oils as I began researching recipes to create my own non-toxic cleaners for our house in the Spring of 2014. After being disturbed by loving a documentary one of my bestie’s worked on called The Human Experiment, I knew I wanted to eliminate these toxic chemicals from our home. When almost every recipe I found included essential oils, I decided to invest in a starter kit.What I didn’t know at that time was that the oils I received were not only going to help make the cleaners, they were going to explode in usage for emotions and multiple other ailments and struggles within our newly formed family of 4! I would have saved a whole lot of money in that first investment if I would have splurged for a bigger kit now that I know how much I ended up using and buying later for more money. You live you learn right…….What’s all the fuss about Essential Oils?
Did you know that the first prescription ever recorded was for frankincense oil? The second was for peppermint oil. There is so much natural medicine at our disposal, we just have to know where to look. Some of the mostly widely used medications today were originally sourced from plants. By using essential oils we are simply remembering the things many people and cultures have used for thousands of years. Returning to ancient solutions where caretakers used the pure essential part of plants, trees and vegetation to help with stomach ailments to sleep apnea and everything in between… solutions that don’t have a long list of side effects or warning labels.

Essential oils don’t just mask symptoms. They bring change to the body at a cellular level, dealing with the root issue and supporting your system as a whole. Because of legalities, I can’t tell you that oils will “cure, treat or prevent” issues you may be facing, but I can give you testimonies (many from me and my family) about how oils have been life-changing.  I want to help mamas like me, and others, create a healthy home life for their families in a modern way using sources that have been around for ages.

I also think the oils are an incredibly powerful tool in helping all members of your family navigate emotional highs and lows. In our culture, anxiety is not a disorder that some people have…..I believe that most people are on a spectrum of emotional wellness and that we all struggle with anxiety/depression/fears. Sharing the oils has helped reduce stigma with my immediate circle of friends and family but also to women and mamas that I newly get to meet…..strong emotions are normal in you and your children!!! And when they strike…..some of the oils and blends are here to help ground and support you as you cope (plus I get to talk about Inside Out – and you all know how much I love that movie).

What ARE the side effects???
I can tell you that I HAVE experienced some side effects from using the oils……like an amazing and growing circle of passionate women and people that love to help others AND some extra spending money just by hosting classes and educating others on how the oils might help them too. My family chooses to save and use this extra money on family memory-making vacations like our Spring break “traincation” two years ago and most recently, it helped pay for half of our very merry Disney Cruise-mas. This side gig has helped me live out my “why” in ways that go beyond my school counseling and coaching professions and has expanded into influencing my social circle and supports as well. So grateful…..

Want to know more or ask me some questions??? Fill out this quick form and we’ll go from there!

P.S. I love to send free samples – tell me what and where and they’ll at your door to try from the safety of your own home within days!

Snippets of daily life

My weekend consisted of lots of down time, extra big mugs of coffee and dowsing myself in this amazing Hope oil. Although I know many people think our life is go, go, go…..in reality our weekends are intentionally bare for us all to recharge and connect before the workweek/schoolweek begins again. I know this might change once WonderBOY starts getting into more sports so I am appreciating every relaxing moment of this season.Speaking of relaxing moments, this photo is in response to my prompt, “you must eat two bites of cauliflower before moving on with your day”….avoidance tactic of choice today? WB takes a 3 hour nap. Parents are so mean…..until he realized that the same cauliflower tastes kinda gross 3 hours later.
Sometimes, self-care means escaping to the mall to get storage bins from Target and coming home 2 hours later with some new shoes. Also, trying to ONLY get one item from Target is like eating one red vine from the Costco sized red vine bucket… simply impossible.
With some heightened emotions around our house for a number of reasons, I am loving giving both Wonders this teeny tiny box and letting them choose what they need to calm down and move on. Aromatherapy and kids is such a magical combination due to their heightened amygdala response to stimuli – if you haven’t tried it yet with kiddos, I highly recommend (and can point you to a good starting spot if you’d like – message me if you want more details).Sharing each step of our big moving adventure (more details to come soon) with the kiddos has been so very exciting! It’s amazing some of their misconceptions and confusion around moving for a positive reason and with ALL of our stuff. Their past experiences with moving involve mostly negative situations, new parental figures and relationships, and according to them, with only the amount of possessions they can fit in a backpack. WonderGIRL and I have bonded over pinning many many pictures of potential room decor ideas – this color combination is currently in the lead!!!

Together in 2016 – 3 month check-in

I ran across this online gem of an article this weekend while scrolling Facebook and I absolutely fell in love with the message and the phrase “a cycle of nourishment” when describing friendships and networks among women. My 2016 OLW is “together” so naturally, I found it helpful as I read through it to reflect on one of my goals to meaningfully connect with women outside of my family 3 months in…..

doterra women

One of my main goals to ensure wellness for myself this year was to intentionally plan (and follow-through with) connecting with other people outside of my home. One of the ways I have been successful with this is through my side gig that I have grown to love so much. When I first began, I was pretty adamant to not do the business side and to only benefit from the percentage off the products….but now, connecting with other mamas and families to encourage their physical and emotional wellness is often the highlight of my weeks. Not only do I rely on my essential oils to keep myself and my family in a good brain space, but when I reach out and serve others through this way, I consider that another form of self-care for myself. I get to be creative, social, AND earn a little side money for my family – what an amazing deal for all of us!

The image above accurately depicts this great company and how instead of competing with others on our team, we are helping each other reach their goals and reaping benefits of others’ compassion and creative efforts. So far with minimal effort, I have been able to completely pay for my kiddos to participate in their extra-curricular activities (those get expensive right???) and contribute to our vacation fund. Stay tuned for some re-caps from our Spring Break Train-cation we embarked on this week….a new adventure for TBD!

Are you interested in learning more about connecting with others and learning about how these essential oils can makeover your own family, body, or home? Message me for details on upcoming classes (I will be hosting one each month at my home) or we can meet up 1-on-1 to chat more. Feel free to drop your name and email address here if you want 2 emails per month (at the most) outlining our upcoming classes and specials.

Subscribe to our mailing list (* indicates required):

Happy Spring break everyone – I hope you are enjoying whatever “TOGETHER” time YOU are getting with loved ones with this week.

Daily oils – Husband edition

Welcome to Day 3 of how Team Brave Dinosaurs are using little vials of awesomeness to keep us healthy and happy without using any toxic products and chemicals! Today, I will discuss how I got my husband hooked on their true worth in our household. Of course, he was skeptical to spend a chunk of change on a starter kit without fully knowing how they would work but a few experiments later and he was ready to purchase a few more products just for him!

If interested, please go back and read how I personally use these oils as a busy mama and how we help our school-age children get through their daily lives.

Allergy relief –
Scott has always struggled with allergies throughout the different seasons in the Pacific Northwest. Once I had him inhaling the trio of Peppermint, Lavender, and Lemon out of his own hands, he became a huge fan. He felt instant relief but then what happened weeks down the road was that he didn’t have as many symptoms as often just from regular use. He has also used the Digestive Blend to alleviate sinus congestion right on his nose.

Snoring/sleep relief –
Each night, we put a blend of Thyme, Frankincense, and Respiratory Blend in our bedroom diffuser and place it right on Scott’s bedstand. It has significantly decreased his snoring, although sometimes it does not make it go away all together (no magic wand here). Scott would also say that he has a more restful night’s sleep since starting this protocol.

Daddy confidence –
Although this is not a specific recipe or use, I believe that Scott enjoys being able to offer oils as a solution to some of the children’s “owies” (both physical and emotional ones). He is also not a big fan of getting to the doctor (or spending money on doctors visits), so being able to help some ailments with the oils has been a game-changer for our family.

DIY Natural Cleaning solutions –
I am very spoiled in that Scott does a large portion of the cleaning and upkeep of our household. I would like to say that it’s primarily due to his schedule and having more time to do it, but really I am just extremely messy (and sometimes lazy) and he can’t stand the clutter I often leave in my wake. We haven’t spent any money on cleaners since last May when I received my first oils in the mail and love the added cleaning power they add to natural cleaning recipes. If you are interested in those recipes and other DIY cleaner tips and tricks, check out this post. Our essential oils team will also be hosting two different classes in March about natural cleaning solutions, so if you are interested in that, please message me and I will get you the details!IMG_2692.JPG(see above picture for the obvious excitement ahead of us in our marriage with essential oils)

If you have read enough to dive in and empower yourself with everything you will need to keep your family healthy and sane, head to my oils website to sign up. Under the “join and save” tab, you just enter some personal information, pick your favorite starter kit, and within a week’s time, you will have products in your hot little hands to start playing with. Plus, February is an awesome time to join with the option of getting $100 in free oils just for signing up this month. Message me with any questions and as always, no pressure here….I just want to spread the information and true power I feel with these to as many people as I can to help their family grow and thrive just like mine!

Also, if you aren’t ready to dive in yet but want me to come teach a class for you and some friends, I’m totally available to do that too – just message me and we’ll go from there!!

Daily oils – Kiddo edition

This is part 2 in a series documenting how our little family uses essential oils as part of our daily routines. If you are interested in how I personally use them, click here to go back to yesterday’s post.

Today, I will be summarizing how we use the oils to help WonderGIRL and WonderBOY stay healthy, focused during school, and manage their anxieties throughout our days together. This was a main reason I researched different essential oil companies and has been the greatest joy and blessing since starting because they actually work!!!


Morning protocol – 
The kiddos have three different rollerball recipes that they apply each morning while eating breakfast. A rollerball is a 10ml glass container that you can add oils and a carrier oil (we use fractionated coconut oil) and is one of the easiest ways to apply the oils topically to your skin. We apply them to the backs of our neck, up and down our spines, and on the bottom of our feet.

1. On guard blend – 30 drops of OnGuard + carrier oil (to prevent from getting sick)
2. “Recovery” blend – 20 drops of DDR prime (cellular repair) + 10 drops rosemary (supports memory) + carrier oil
3. Focus blend – I have tried a great many recipes for this one. We use this one which is pretty heavy on the oils because of the needs of our kiddos. If you are not sure, start with half this recipe and adjust as necessary to your needs.
6 drops Cedarwood
15 drops Balance
4 drops Frankincense
6 drops Vetiver
4 drops Lavender
+ carrier oil

After school –
WonderGIRL takes one supplement to aid in focusing on her nightly homework routine. I also have each kiddo take one DigestZen softgel to help with their digestive health. I found these little “boosters” for health have made a huge difference in getting their little bodies regular and regulated (my two favorite words for them).

Nighttime routine – 
WonderBOY has a hard time sleeping in his room alone and sleeping through the night due to some anxious thoughts and nightmares. He will often ask for oils to be applied to his stomach and back before bedtime. Even if this is just a mental bandaid of sorts for him, we have found it really helps the transition into bedtime! His favorite oils to rub in are: Serenity, Cedarwood, and Wild Orange.

Of course, our children are older school-age children. Many people I know have newborns that they have also loved using the oils for. There has to be something so comforting about being able to meet your child’s emotional and physical needs in a natural way without having to go to the doctor or the drug store for medicine. Here a few ones that I have heard many use to help their little little ones:
Baby favorites – 
Digestive support: 1 drop of DigestZen or Fennel on baby’s tummy with carrier oil
Skin irritations: 1 drop of Lavender + Melaleuca (tea tree oil) + carrier oil
Teething: Dilute Lavender, Roman Chamomile, or Serenity along the jawline
Ear infections: Dilute Lavender and Melaleuca and apply around the ear (never put oils IN the ear) and massage down towards the lymph nodes to encourage drainage. You can also use the diluted oils on a cotton ball placed in ear – use a bandaid to help keep in place. **We used this for WB’s ear infection and it worked to alleviate both his pain and the infection – awesome trick!**

Coming up tomorrow – how my husband uses the oils and how I got him “hooked.”

If you have read enough to dive in and empower yourself with everything you will need to keep your family healthy and sane, head to my oils website to sign up. Under the “join and save” tab, you just enter some personal information, pick your favorite starter kit, and within a week’s time, you will have products in your hot little hands to start playing with. Plus, February is an awesome time to join with the option of getting $100 in free oils just for signing up this month. Message me with any questions and as always, no pressure here….I just want to spread the information and true power I feel with these to as many people as I can to help their family grow and thrive just like mine!

Also, if you aren’t ready to dive in yet but want me to come teach a class for you and some friends, I’m totally available to do that too – just message me and we’ll go from there!!

Happy oily weekend everyone!