On “self-care” being weaponized against us

As many of you know, I am a big encourager of self-care. Prioritizing your own basic needs of movement water, connection and rest ALONG with your other priorities. Since the pandemic has started, the pendulum has swung aggressively the other way, weaponizing self-care as “toxic positivity” and even oppressive in some circles (education included).

I think taking care of one’s self, both physically and emotionally shouldn’t need a label. And the fact that it does and we have to remind folks to attend to their own self IS PART OF THE PROBLEM. We have adapted to daily schedules in our society that are so busy, hectic and focused on performance, work and social status that individuals are forgetting that their body and brain need to be healthy enough to even do those things in the first place!

How I operationally define self-care is really just focusing on self-awareness leading to healthy habits. I stop long enough to see what my body, brain and heart needs during specific moments of the day….and then throughout my week and schedule, I actually and intentionally give my self those things.That’s it!

How do I focus on awareness? Stop, meditate, be still, turn off the podcast/music while driving, read personal development books, free write/blog, go to bed early so my mind can wander (and hopefully not turn into sleep-stealing anxiety), etc.

Without awareness, we don’t know what to self-regulate. Without an ability to self-regulate, many people then start to self-medicate (typically in harmful ways to our physical and mental health).

The other piece of self-care that I don’t think gets talked about often enough is setting and adapting your own personal standards of “success” or “good enough.” This is the truest form of love (as quoted in the image above) – being humble enough to shift your own standards of good enough so your actually are good (and healthy and whole and connected to folks that also love you).

One example of this is my goal with exercise this year – as a former athlete, I have some interesting habitual thoughts when it comes to “working out” and fitness. That post could be an entire novel on its own but some of my disordered thinking about exercise and movement has blocked my motivation to even want to do it at all. So this year, after coming to terms with some of that, I am LOWERING my standards of what I think daily exercise should/could/would look like for me. Instead, my goal each day is just 20 minutes of movement. Even if that movement doesn’t make me sweat, doesn’t burn enough calories, isn’t cutesy enough to post on social media, etc. And I have found that just the simple mindset shift of this has made me actually feel more accomplished (and consistent) that what I was expecting of myself previously.

So with that, I will just summarize with this – whatever self-care is to you, I hope you lean into it. I hope you MAKE time for your self this week, this month, this year….and I hope those moments reinforce the narrative that you are important and of value alongside everyone else you’re caring for. Healthy habits Tik Tok

I consider Tik Tok creativity my self-care on some days (okay all days).

4/40 On living alone…

Recently, I have been getting feedback from others like “wow you are so self-aware” or “that’s great that you can recognize that” when sharing about my personal life. And while I appreciated the comments, I started to wonder where this seemingly elevated sense of self-awareness might have come from – part of my role as a school counselor is to help build and encourage this awareness and I love any research having to do with this topic so why not examine my own?

Some of you may recognize this wall art….

I have always felt connected to my inner thoughts so I’m guessing the natural urge to become a counselor developed from that. But living alone in my 20’s after the start of my career is where I can pinpoint starting a loving and kind relationship with myself….learning how I work best, rest best, restore my strength when I need to….ON MY OWN with no other crutches or people there to rely on for this work (although let’s be honest I was with my HSLP Elke 90% of this time anyway). This experience was a lesson that I still reflect on when navigating my own stress levels and emotional world.

As an extrovert and highly social person, many people told me I would hate living alone….but I truly LOVED it. I still love alone time to this day…..restorative moments in my room with the door closed or a weekend away in my trailer are activities that I now work into my schedule intentionally to keep myself whole and happy.

When I’m talking to young adults, I try and encourage them to try living on their own for a bit, knowing the beauty and self-compassion that can come from focusing on nothing but one’s own self.

Have you ever lived on your own? What did you discover? Or….how do you create this same experience if you’re always living with others (alone time built in, morning routines, etc.?) I would love to hear!

Sparked in April….

Sometimes…..the plans with the best of intentions don’t happen….and then I start feeling a bit of shame and embarrassment because I actually wrote about it on the blog and at least 5 people read it and then I never reached out to actually follow through thus sparking more shame and embarrassment (such an ugly cycle us women put ourselves through am I right?!?!?).

But they CAN plant seeds for future growth and that’s about how my big goal of social outings in March spilled into April. I survived March with a crazy work schedule and Scott and WG heading off to Haiti (a bigger post from her perspective is in the works) and then got to see lots of lovely ladies in April for some much-needed Mama self-care, we-care time.(love these women…..and the sweet birthday girl in the middle)And throughout multiple fun opportunities to hang out with women, walk through craft fairs with women, host fun parties with women…..it reminds me over and over how important that community is. Learning their perspectives on things I inwardly struggle with helps me process and have grace. Their ideas around parenting and marriage sparks changes in my heart and home. Empathy and grace can’t happen if you have no one there receiving it and giving it right back…..and I have more of those two things to give besides pouring it all over my kiddos and hubby (plus I need a whole lot of it in return).

I recently read and explored the Strengthsfinder 2.0 book which includes a code to analyze your own strengths. I loved this (again….reminds me of Seventeen quizzes that I LIVED for in the 90’s…..pretty sure it set the stage for my passion in psychology/counseling) and have been trying to match my strengths with work endeavors and even some relationship changes as well. You don’t have to buy the book to take the quiz either (I think it’s $19.99 for a description of your top 5….lots of info!). Have you taken this quiz? I would love to hear your strengths!!!

I am also interested in what other busy mamas do for self-care AND if it might be kinda cool to have some intentional events around self-care…..if you are interested in this topic, click this link to take a quick survey describing what that might look like for you. For one, I am just kinda interested in what everyone thinks and for two, my strategic strength is pushing me to be more intentional and group-minded with this whole concept so I want others feedback before I do!!

Happy May to all of you readers…..MAY it be filled with lots of grace, empathy, together-ness, and SUNSHINE!!!!

(My May SPARK goal is under wraps as of now…..protecting myself from the whole shame cycle highlighted above…..actually maybe my goal should be not having shame around silly things…..hmmmmmm)

Some nuggets of truth…

I have been soaking up professional development in this last month….but conferences can be hard when there is so much information and not enough time to “download” and process it all. These two gems stuck with me once I returned home so in hopes to ground them in writing somewhere, I want to document them here and maybe pass on the inspiration to you as well! I got to listen to an entire day from two wonderful presenters around mindfulness with children (and adults) and both of these quotes came from that day.Although it sounds so counter-intuitive, when tragedy strikes (a person, a family or a nation), sometimes it is a cry out for change or an awareness rises out of the tragedy that can advocate for a person or people in a new way. Right now with the school violence as a hot topic, we are talking about what needs to change for increased safety in school. This is obviously important to me in my work…..I still hold steady to a belief that more school counselors having chances to dig deeper with all students AND teach proactive coping skills/mental health prevention to all students really is the answer. So the gift for me of he recent tragedy is that others are speaking up and advocating for a smilier belief to mine which hasn’t always been the case (especially when sometimes the counselor is pitted against smaller class sizes which is a hard case to make for administration).

And on a personal note, my own Wonders’ tragedy brought them on a broken road to us as their parents and that really is one of the most amazing gifts that has ever been given me. We use this language a lot with all of our kiddos, because it can be so hard to rationalize the “why” of trauma and things being done to you as a child, but a greater plan and purpose for them is there and we must communicate that to them over and over.My new favorite quote EVER….like in the history of ever!!!

With what we know about burn out, compassion fatigue, secondary trauma and the effect of childhood trauma on our actual medical life outcomes….this is HUGE!! I feel like self-care has alway been thought of as a fuzzy term just held sacred for the uppity ups of our world….but small moments of self-care can be hugely impactful to anyone’s day. Whether it’s some quiet moments of calm in the morning or in the midst of you work day, some power poses before bed, or just making conscious efforts to meet up with your loved ones – self-care can not be an option. It is a requirement, just like exercise, to cope with our increasingly pressurized and stress-filled world.

P.S. I realize that my blog has been overloaded with lots of “deep” as of late…..apparently the thoughtful me has been dominating!!! I need to get these cute kiddos of mine on here with an update and some kid quotes ASAP……stay tuned!!!

Sparking self-care….

For my February commitment to my One Little Word for 2018, I wanted to focus on self-care. Meaning the way I take care of my own self, both physically and emotionally, so that I can continue to care for others fully and enthusiastically. Sidenote: it is rare to describe an adult as enthusiastic…..typically it’s used as a negative as if that said enthusiasm is annoying or overbearing….I personally think more enthusiastic adults would create more enthusiastic children these days.

It felt good to increase the amount of time I spent committing to self-care:
– getting up earlier and having quiet time to read/meditate/stretch/enjoy my coffee (loved The Miracle Morning – thanks Holly)
– writing more….both in my planner (unloading my ideas) and on my blog (short month = best ratio of days to posts since I started)
– less social media, more playtime with the kiddos

– more learning….I flipping love professional conferences. My district has been amazingly generous in sparking my professional growth this year and I have loved being around brilliance in my field and soaking up ideas that then generate more ideas that then generate more ENTHUSIASM for my chosen role and passion in schools (plus I REALLY like my new cohort of strong, passionate counselors I get to work with)

Up next for March? Meet ups – I want to see more people, drink more coffee (or wine) and connect with others, I want things on the calendar so I commit to friends and family before appointments that can be changed and moved…..update coming later this month on how this all goes (seeing as how I just made it up on the spot right now).

Those silly voices inside of my head….

Making me feel guilty for slacking on publishing two posts a week here in this space. Telling me to say yes to everything people ask of me. Wondering if someone else can do _______ or _______ better.

So this week I am choosing what to focus on. This week I devote my time and my energy and the voices inside of my head to my family and to my volleyball team (specifically some hard-working seniors) that deserve a coach devoted to them. So this little blog will be bare and my kiddos at work might get a less than 100% present counselor…..and the world will keep spinning for one more week…..



Did you know my most adored movie Inside Out came out on DVD this week? Click here for a much more clever depiction of those silly voices inside of our heads.

inside out