A WONDERful 2016

My intention with this blog was/is to document the big and little stories of US just as we are. Here are a few slices of that world that I hope never to forget.

First of all, these two littles ones love each other so much. Their joy and giggles when they are around each other are truly unique, considering how many years are between them. This year, they begun having some deeper conversations but also begun pestering each other to no end. And while I know that is a normal sibling phenomenon, I find a spark of comfort in their endless bickering because it is far better than their dysfunctional parenting dynamic when they came to live with us….in our home, when WB and WG are exhibiting age-appropriate and normal behaviors, even the problematic ones, we are happy about it!WonderGIRL’s highlights from 2016:First of all, these pictures give me all the feels because our LITTLE girl is growing up. Especially in the last 6 months or so, her attitude, demeanor and looks have really matured. I am especially proud of how much she is overcoming in regards to adjusting to our new family and accepting/processing her past family and memories that pop up for her. We are really grateful for a great counselor for WonderGIRL to help with this processing because sometimes my own emotions can cloud the true listening that she needs.

This year, she got braces, a new cell phone, and a broken leg as she performed a pretty awesome front flip at the Trampoline Zone. This year, she also complained about her braces, lost her cell phone due to breaking our fairly strict contract, and gained lots of sympathy and attention for said broken leg…..all markers of a darn-near typical teenage girlie.

WonderGIRL’s highlights:
Movie: Moana (girl power!!!) and Pirates of the Carribbean
TV show: Gilmore Girls with mama
Books: Twilight series and A Dog’s Purpose/Journey
Music: Ariana Grande, Alessia Cara and Justin Beiber
Favorite memory: Getting my phone (she says with jazz hands above her head)
Funniest quote that Mama’s brain can remember on Dec. 30th: “This sand is so different than the sand in Cannon Beach.” (Mama: “Uh….this is Cannon Beach”). Her memory and attention skills create some pretty humorous (and repetitive) conversations, let me tell ya.

WonderBOY’s highlights:
This boy turned 8 this year and while I still view him as my little squishy, cuddly, little guy….sometimes his maturity and logic really amaze me (as does the picture above where he looks so darn grown up)! This year, he has finally started connecting the dots between making good choices and being truthful and how much more peaceful our days can be together. He is down to only 1 timeout every couple of weeks and that, my friends, is a miracle. There are many times during family conversations that WB has the appropriate and wise answer regarding behavior and choices before his big sis.

This year was our first conference at school, that his BEHAVIORS fit in with the rest of his peers. Although he still struggles with some learning, he is respectful and focused in class and we are so proud of him for that! At home, WB is most often found in his underwear as this kid just runs at a hotter temperature than the rest of us. With the big snow that came this year, we had to buy some athletic leggings to go under his usual uniform of basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Speaking of basketball, he began playing on an organized team this year and we love watching his skills and understanding of the game grow and grow. My coach’s heart and brain is especially happy when I see what a good teammate he is from the bench, cheering on his teammates and supporting their every move.

WonderBOY’s highlights:
Movie: Sing
TV show: Teen Titans GO!
Books: Notebook of Doom and Eerie Elementary
Music:Jason DeRulo and FloRida
Favorite memory: Great Wolf Lodge, Portland on the train, and Cannon Beach
Funniest quote that Mama’s brain can remember on Dec. 30th: “Hey there how ya doing….balk balk” (said in an extremely cute and accurate parrot voice with a switch to a chicken for the finale)This pic cracks me up because we get this blank look as soon we ask WB to do something he doesn’t want to do. We’re onto you and your little tricks of looking cute to get out of hard work…..and it only worked a few times half the time mister.

Thank you for reading this little blog stroll along memory lane…..I can’t wait to check back in a year and see how far they will continue to grow and thrive! Cheers to a new year!!!

Christmas highlight reel – 2015 edition

During our advent season, our little family read many scriptures and reflected together. One particular verse stood out to me in a big way (a rare occurrence when I read the bible mind you) and charged me with being fully present during our Christmas season. Luke 2:19 reads “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” While those wild shepherds were out shouting and gossiping about the magical birth of Jesus, Mary kept this news close and quiet and was fully present with her newborn son. After reading this story, I felt charged to do the same – to engage and be content with our moments in my heart versus being concerned with filters and clever hashtags (no offense to all of you holiday posters – I loved them all!!!). I felt truly at peace this past week and didn’t once feel the squeeze or pressure sometimes I feel during the holidays to have everything perfect (as compared to everyone else’s I see on FB/insta)…each night I took time to reflect and embrace and love on the day in my heart no matter how it turned out.

Here a few moments that made our week wonderful and peaceful:

notesA tradition that Scott and I started years ago was opening letters to each other on Christmas morning. This year, I not only loved my letters but reading others loving words to each other as well. WG’s letter in particular came after a very hard Christmas Eve wth Scott at work and high anxiety around him not returning home on Christmas morning. It makes me cry how much Scott’s loving actions impact her and re-wire her beliefs about love and fathering.

Having only one celebration per day gave us quiet mornings to enjoy our new treasures and start our days off slow and steady. This type of morning requires a cozy robe and juice out of a fancy glass of course.

They say your cousins are your first friends. For me, as one of the oldest, they were my first practice runs at being a bossy mcbosserpants mama. Now they are all grown up and I still love spending time with them! Our big Weber get together was wonderful and filled with fun as usual and now we get to start new traditions and new relationships to carry on that fun together.

One perk to never leaving my hometown is that all my friends come back to me during the holidays! This year, I got to meet my beloved Kara Lynn’s little man and sheesh look at that hunk of adorableness!!! Although we are states apart, our lives are entangled in so many ways as well as our hearts and I love that.

My brothers are pretty big dorks and when together they are inappropriate and immature dorks, but I love them anyway. Getting them all together in a room is a dangerous recipe for bad jokes and an annoyed mother but it also makes my heart so happy. I love how much my littles love them and feel connected to our extended family.

Coming later this week – our favorite gifts we gave and received, top moments of 2015 and what’s next for TBD in 2016!

P.S. One of my favorite pieces of this blog is that it is a tool to help me remember and document these small moments so I can treasure them again and again when my memory fades and when our family changes in the future. Thank you to all those who mentioned to me that you read my words and musings on life – I appreciate your kind encouragements about keeping it going not only as a tool for myself, but a possible resource or connection for others whose lives may parallel pieces of ours. Happy holidays to all of you!!